Notable Gifts
Thomas Steidinger
- $352,000 endowed scholarship fund from estate
Paul and Brigette Knickelbein
- $242,000 endowed scholarship fund from estate
Judd S. Alexander Foundation
- 100,000 challenge grant to the Endowed Scholarship Fund
- $53,983 for UWMC's Minority Access initiative
- Other significant contributions
James and Susan Skinner
- $140,000 stock and cash contributions, establishing permanent scholarships memorializing deceased friends and providing other campus support
John Runkel
- $100,000 - establishing the John Runkel scholarship fund and annual faculty community service award
- $385,000 in stock bequeathed upon his death
Frank Steffes
- Bequeathed $100,000 prior to his passing, thus establishing the Frank J. Steffes memorial scholarship
Steffes Family
- $100,000 contributed/pledged, establishing the Verna & Henry Steffes scholarship fund, honoring the parents of five children
Irene Hammer
- Bequeathed $55,000 prior to her passing, to continue the Thomas Hammer scholarship
Marion Urban
- $51,000 stock contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund, memorializing a family member
Nancy Frawley
- $37,000 contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund memorializing Gladys Phillips plus additional annual contributions
Freeman Family Partnership
- $30,000 to establish the Distinguished Faculty Society
Wausau Homes
- $30,000 to establish the Wausau Homes Writing Center plus additional significant annual contributions
Family of Tom & Mary Murphy
- $30,000 plus additional annual contributions endowing an annual scholarship honoring their parents, Tom and Mary Murphy
Greenheck Fan Corporation
- $25,000 contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund plus $5,000 annual contributions
Family and Friends of Barney Viste
- $20,000 in contributions establishing the Marian "Barney" Viste Memorial Anthropology Scholarship
David Skinner
- $20,000 in scholarships donated in the name of his father, James Skinner
B.A. and Esther Greenheck Family Foundation
- $15,000 for renovation of the planetarium
Thom and Taffy Williams
- $13,000 contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund memorializing a family member
Jim Perry
- $12,000 establishing the Irene Perry memorial scholarship
John Tobakos
- $11,000 stock contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund memorializing a family member
Lee and Billie Miskowski and Ford Motor Company matching gifts
- $10,000 contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund
Stettin Lions Club
- $10,000 contribution to the Endowed Scholarship Fund
E O Johnson
- $10,000 establishing the E O and LaVerne Johnson scholarship fund
Murco Foundation
- $10,000 contribution toward purchase of campus sculpture, plus significant annual contributions for scholarships
Gregory M Zabrowski Family and Friends
- $10,000 in initial contributions plus additional annual contributions endowing an annual scholarship memorializing Gregory M. Zabrowski
Clyde F. Schlueter Foundation
- $5,000 to purchase donor software for UW Wausau Campus Foundation plus
- $5,000 annually to fund 5 scholarships, awarded to students pursuing collaborative degree bachelor's programs
Wausau Health Foundation
- $7,500 contributed annually for students pursuing medically oriented careers
Harvey Nelson Charitable Trust
- Significant annual contributions supporting faculty and staff research and development