Alumni & Friends

Featured Alumni
Greg Ewan
Mechanical Engineer, Greenheck Fan Corporation
"I loved being at 'the MC'. If I could have replicated that experience for my whole college career, I would have. It was very family oriented and prepared me well for UW-Platteville. The professors were top notch. They had high expectations."
Kay Gruling, M.D.
Family Practice Marshfield Clinic - Wausau Center
"The personal attention I received from the outstanding faculty, in additional to the opportunity for involvement in a variety of activities, provided me with the cornerstone necessary for a successful future."
Dave Obey
U.S. Congressman, ret.
"Without this campus I would not have been a member of Congress. The Wausau campus opened a very large door for me. My two years there gave me the confidence that I needed to do well at the UW-Madison campus. The Wausau campus is one of the links on the chain of possibilities that can make quality education available to everyone."
Lee Miskowski
Retired Vice President, Ford Motor Company
General Manager, Lincoln-Mercury Division
"The Wausau Campus gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. IT was a great launching pad of not only my work career, but of my entire life's development."
Although UW-Stevens Point at Wausau does not currently have an alumni association, the Foundation is attempting to create a database. Please contact Brad Zweck, Foundation Director, at 715-261-6280 or wausaufoundation@greatstartswithu.org to be added to our alumni database.

Alumni Notes
Alumni Weekend
Each year "Alumni Weekend" is held in January, with alumni basketball games and a social.
Contact Bill Gibbs, 715-261-6314 for more information.
Stay in Touch
We encourage all UWMC/UW-SP at Wausau alumni to stay in touch, sharing where you are now and where you are headed! Please send us any news or updates you would like to share, along with your current contact information!
Alumni Information Form
Our alumni also keep in touch through contact with our foundation, which is a non-profit organization supporting academic and outreach programs of UW-Stevens Point at Wausau.
Hall of Fame
The Athletic Hall of Fame was established to honor former athletes, coaches, program assistants, and faculty and staff, who have made significant contributions and demonstrated exceptional skill while serving this campus and the Wisconsin Collegiate Conference. Nominations are accepted through October 1 of each year.
Contact Bill Gibbs, 715-261-6314 for further information.
Invest in UW Wausau Campus Foundation Inc.
Your gifts sustain the generosity fostered from other alumni and individuals, businesses, and foundations throughout our communities. It's always nice to remember that donations from others helped to make your education affordable for you. Now, your gifts can provide that same help for current and future students.
These funds have supported:
- scholarships
- research awards and study programs
- faculty and staff professional development and recognition
- equipment
- capital needs
Your contribution will help these and other important programs at the UW-Stevens Point at Wausau. How much you give is important. But it is more important that you give. We need support from all our alumni to ensure our ranking and reputation reflect the true quality of this University and our alumni's pride in their first alma mater.
Programs for Alumni Giving
Unrestricted Gifts
These gifts give campus leaders the flexibility to allocate funds to special, unanticipated and vital areas of university activities such as emergency financial assistance to worth students, continuing education of faculty and staff for the betterment of the entire campus community, physical plant improvements, and delivery of new, sophisticated forms of higher education like interactive distance learning.
Restricted Giving
While alumni are encouraged to give unrestricted gifts to the college, you may also restrict your gifts to specific academic program, establish a memorial scholarship or designate your gift for general scholarship purposes. Gifts may be in the form of stock, real property, insurance policies and other forms of planned giving, or they may take the form of restricted cash donations.

Get Connected
Did you attend the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County or UW-Stevens Point at Wausau?
We want to hear from you! Help us maintain the connection between the University and its graduates and former students. Please complete the form below to keep us informed about your current or past achievements, experiences at UWMC or UW-Stevens Point at Wausau, and what you'll remember most from your time here!