U-News: October Newsletter 2022
Friday, Oct 21, 2022

Yee Thao has a dream of someday serving the central Wisconsin area as a physician, and she is taking first steps toward that goal now as a recipient of the Advocates in Medicine Pathway (AMP) Scholarship at UW-Stevens Point at Wausau. Yee completed the initial AMP course in July and is taking additional prerequisite coursework now on the Wausau Campus. “I’m thankful for the AMP Scholarship from the UW Wausau Campus Foundation,” she said. “With the help of the AMP program sponsors and UWSP, I believe my career goals are within reach while studying close to home in Wausau.” …Read More

I am excited to have reached my 100-day milestone as a member of the UW-Stevens Point at Wausau community. We have both opportunities and challenges ahead of us as a campus, but I am excited for the opportunity to work with the faculty, staff, students, foundation board, alumni and community partners to rebrand our campus as the “community’s campus.” By community’s campus I mean an educational hub: for the high schooler seeking the rigor of a college course; for the “traditional” high school graduate that wants to earn … Read More

Donors sometimes ask why the UW Wausau Campus Foundation conducts an Annual Fund campaign. The short answer: Our Annual Fund campaign is the sparkplug that makes our foundation engine go. It provides unrestricted dollars to fund operational expenses and other areas of significant need. Annual Fund donations also provide student scholarships, support faculty research and development, underwrite new equipment and technology and make various public events possible. Fall and winter are key seasons for the Annual Fund campaign. Please click here to support the Annual Fund campaign!
Did You Know?
Did you know all funds donated to the UW Wausau Campus Foundation remain in Wausau and directly benefit current and prospective UW Stevens Point at Wausau students? And, while scholarships are a huge part of what we do, your donation to our Annual Fund campaign will also help fund:
- Research awards and study programs
- Faculty and staff professional development and recognition
- Foundation operations
A donation to the UW Wausau Campus Foundation will directly impact the lives of students and faculty — one human being to another. There are many ways to give. Please give now to help us reach our fundraising goal before the end of our fiscal year!
Current Fiscal Year
Scholarships Awarded
Value of Scholarships Provided
Including two new scholarship programs:
Incoming student incentive grants
More science, technology, engineering & math scholarships