Capital Improvements Fund
The UW-Stevens Point at Wausau Campus represent a unique partnership among Marathon County, private donors, and the State of Wisconsin. The UW System provides program support through legislative funding, while local governments—in our case Marathon County—provides needed facilities. The County, however, cannot do everything that is needed, and thus support from corporations, foundations, and individuals is important for ongoing capital improvements.
Capital Improvement gifts have helped make possible projects such as: construction of the Art Building, establishment of the Wausau Homes Writing Center, a refurbished Planetarium and certain residence hall improvements. Opportunities for significant giving to improve facilities are ongoing and the Foundation welcomes your inquiries. We also welcome gifts for purchase of new instructional equipment-computers, laboratory equipment, pianos and musical instruments, for example.
While most donations for capital improvements are allocated for specific projects, and thus funds received are expended, some donors seek to meet long-term needs by giving to the Fund so that future needs—including technology and equipment—can be met as needs arise. For example, $50,000 was allocated by the UW Wausau Campus Foundation to help fund the Art Building.
Please contact Foundation Executive Director Brad Zweck at any time to discuss giving to the UW Wausau Campus Foundation.