UWSP Wausau Campus Students Emma & Cole

Did You Know? The Wausau Campus is more than a great starting point

Friday, Mar 17, 2023

As a UW resource that has been based in Wausau for 90 years, some folks might view the Wausau Campus as simply a place to start a higher education journey. Yes, the campus remains a great place to start, but it is much more than that today. For example, did you know students here can READ MORE

Merit Scholarships

Merit Scholarship Funding Increase Approved — Report

Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022

A growing group of talented students will benefit from a 43% increase in annual funding for the Merit Scholarship program funded by the UW Wausau Campus Foundation. In the 2020-21 school year, the Foundation began funding a new Merit Scholarship program to encourage high-achieving students to attend our campus. The Foundation renewed an initial commitment READ MORE

UWSP-Wausau, the new University Hub

Monday, Feb 08, 2021

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at Wausau has always been deeply embedded in the community. The university-wide strategic plan calls on us to serve our community through partnerships and connections – but that has always been central to who we are. The UW-Stevens Point at Wausau campus has hosted a number of community organizations and READ MORE

“I’m Glad You Asked …” The Top-5 Questions People Ask about UW-Marathon County Becoming UW-Stevens Point at Wausau

Thursday, Aug 22, 2019

As part of its commitment to be open, honest, and communicative about the topics Marathon County leadership and staff get comments and questions on the most