New Merit Scholarship program attracts talented students
Monday, Sep 27, 2021
In the 2020-21 school year, the UW Wausau Campus Foundation began funding a new Merit Scholarship program to encourage high-achieving students to attend our campus. The results were good, and the foundation renewed a commitment of $28,000 again for the current school year.
Prospective incoming students are offered $1,000 or $1,500 Merit Scholarships each spring by the UWSP at Wausau campus executive. Students who formally accept the scholarship then receive it in the following school year along with any other scholarships they have earned.
“These Merit Scholarships have been an important recruiting tool as they allow us to shape, at the time of application, a high-achieving student’s decision to attend our campus,” said Ann Herda-Rapp, the UWSP at Wausau campus executive. “Students have many college options. With these scholarships we can demonstrate that not only is UWSP-Wausau their best choice in terms of quality; we’re also their best financial choice.”
The Merit Scholarships are the latest part of a multi-faceted scholarship program the foundation uses to support Wausau campus students.